Why Choose Us?
We offer friendship, affordability, care, and trust.

Senior Day Care Service

Shopping & Recreation

Meal Preparation

Light Housekeeping

Medication Reminders

According to the Center for Aging Research, there are 40+ million seniors living today. Many of whom do not have chronic health conditions or illnesses, and many of whom are lonely. They may or may not have family or friends to listen and sit with them. As a young boy growing up in a rural Arkansas community, the principal of eHark Angels, DeRay Cole, went with my grandmother on many occasions to visit aging seniors who were overjoyed to have someone to listen to them and sit with them. That tradition has been gone for decades. The bottom line is: most aging seniors do not have an ear to listen to them nor a companion to sit with them. Imagine if lonely, aging seniors could live in their own place and have regular scheduled visits, a companion to listen, assist in a meal preparation, run errands, and straighten their place up.
eHark, LLC is a companion service provider. It delivers listening and sitting affordable alternative services for aging seniors who are lonely but do not require healthcare needs provided by healthcare professionals. eHark is not a health care service.
The following information was cited by the Institute on Aging:
• By 2030, as the last Baby Boomers turn 65, older adults are expected to reach 20 percent of the population.
• By 2050, the 85+ age group will reach 19 million – 24 percent of older adults and 5 percent of the total population.
• Of the older adults who were living out of nursing homes or hospitals in 2010, nearly one third (11.3 million) live alone.
• Older women are twice as likely as older men to live alone (37 percent and 19 percent respectively). In 2010, 72 percent of older men lived with a spouse, only 42 percent of older women did.
• Living arrangements differ by race and ethnicity. Older nonwhite Hispanic white women and black women are more likely than women of other races to live alone (39 percent each compared with about 21 percent of older Asian women and 23 percent of older Hispanic women).
• The likelyhood of living alone increases with age. Among women age 75+ almost half (47%) lived alone in 2010.
You cannot get time back after it is gone.
We offer friendship, affordability, care, and trust.